Welcome to yogasevenoaks.co.uk
If you're looking for yoga in a one to one lesson, or a group class; for yoga therapy, meditation or Vedic chanting, here yoga is taught according to your individual needs.
What can yoga do for you?
For everyone who comes to yoga it offers something different.
A one to one yoga practice designed for you, may form part of a wider health programme.
A yoga class in the week, may be the time you set aside for quiet in a busy schedule, restoring equilibrium to all levels of your being.
Yoga therapy utilizes the tools of yoga - posture work, meditation and breathing techniques, sound and visualisation - for healing your body, quieting the mind or to regain emotional balance.
For many yoga is a path of self-transformation, where the discipline of practice brings you increasing self-awareness and clarity.
Yoga works for anyone if it's shaped to meet their needs. The right teacher can help you find the right practice whether in a group or a private lesson.

"In the practice of yoga one can emphasise the body, the mind or the self and hence the effort can never be fruitless." T Krishnamacharya